Conditions of use

Consult here our conditions of use, with a purchase order or an order form, you accept our conditions.


By passing an order in the FNX's online shop, you accept the general terms of sale of FNX, as well as the general terms of sale of our partners. The present general terms of sale apply to any purchase of products or services made on the FNX's website,, (below mentioned as the Website).

Particular conditions can apply to certain products or services and will be specifically indicated during the order of these products or services.

The on-line ranges of products and services as well as the prices are valid only as long as they are visible on the Website and while stocks last. Photos, images or plans appear on the Website only as illustrations and are not a part of contractual conditions. The informations appearing on catalogs and manuals are given only for information purposes and do not constitute contractual documents. FNX disclaims all responsability for possible errors or omissions related in said photos, images, plans, texts, descriptions, prices, dates, etc, presented on-line.

Only the present version of conditions of use in French language is valid



It falls to the customer to verify immediately the goods during the delivery and to make any reserves and complaints for possible defects or non-compliances; The aforementioned reserves and the complaints must be sent to FNX by e-mail, fax or registered letter as soon as possible, but at the latest three (3) days after the delivery. Ordered articles are neither paid off, nor exchanged. An order becomes definitive only after its acceptance by FNX.



The sending of the order by the customer implies its acceptance of the present general terms of sale in their entirety, with the exception of all other different measures or conditions.

FNX reserves the right to refuse any order of a customer.



The present contract is submitted to the Swiss law. The for is Romont.



The charged price is the price indicated on the confirmation of order which is sent to the customer.

Except particular condition, all the products and the services are payable by means of credit card and/or Postcard.

Monthly payments are the object of a separated convention with a partner of FNX. All the transactions of payment are made in secure zone. The data registered by FNX constitute the proof of all the transactionsmade between FNX and its customers. The data registered by the system of payment constitute the proof of the financial transactions. The card being used to the payment is debited immediately after the purchase or the order.



The prices indicated on the Website in Swiss francs exclusively are valid. These prices are valid only for the on-line purchases. They get on including Swiss VAT and do not include the contribution to costs of processing and shipping who will be separately calculated and charged. All the orders are payable exclusively in Swiss francs.

FNX reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, but the prices charged to the customer for the delivered products are the ones which are effective in the order date and which appear on the confirmation of order.

Any total or partial non-fulfillment by the customer of one of its obligations or the failure to respect any term of payment can entail, on the initiative of FNX, either the immediate payability of the sums still owed in any respect whatsoever, as well as the suspension of any delivery, either the termination of the current contracts.

The possible charges of shipping and/or processing are indicated aside.



Products or services that are ordered and paid are delivered as soon as possible, according to their availability.

If an article is not available, FNX informs the customer about it by e-mail.

FNX exclusively makes its deliveries on the Swiss territory. Products are delivered by post or by the department of delivery of FNX.

Surcharge for delivery over 100 kilometres or express delivery.



In a general way, all the returned articles that are incomplete, damaged or made dirty by the customer are not taken back.

Shipping fees, in the case of a return of goods, are chargeable to the customer.

If FNX only serves as an intermediary in the purchase of a product or a service, FNX is responsible only for the transmission of the order in the deadlines and for the procedure of payment.

For the rest apply the general terms of sale of the service provider.



All the devices sold by FNX are under warranty for a period of 12 (twelve) months, against the manufacturing defects, from delivery date. The warranty covers parts and work directly related to the elimination of the defect, with the exception of other expenses such as the costs of transport, replacement and tunings. The warranty excludes the damages caused following a bad manipulation or following the failure to respect the conditions of use of devices. The problems related to some incompatibilities of use are never covered by the warranty. The intervention of any other people cancels automatically and irrevocably any right for the warranty. Any works of modification or repair which are made without the written consent of FNX, as well as the non-observance of the present general conditions cancel the warranty.



FNX Sàrl
Arruffens 1 / CP 140
1680 Romont

Phone: +41 26 652 12 10
Téléfax: +41 26 652 12 11